What does the process look like after that initial meeting?


The total assessment process typically takes around 2 months, but that also depends on the current office load and appointment lead time.  While we stay busy year round, the Fall season is our busiest so if your intent is to have an assessment complete before the end of the calendar year be sure to start [...]

What does the process look like after that initial meeting?2022-04-08T20:39:18+00:00

What if our family needs more than one initial session?


We can accommodate this.  In the case where parents are divorced, or there are more than one caregiver and the initial session cannot be done together please talk to the front desk to discuss and make appointments.

What if our family needs more than one initial session?2022-04-08T20:38:52+00:00

What will be asked at the initial session?


The psychologist and the client/parents will review and discuss the completed Developmental History form, which focuses on the client’s presenting concerns and overall history of the presenting problem. This is a one hour session where the psychologist is seeking to determine what assessment measures need to be included in the assessment based upon considerations of [...]

What will be asked at the initial session?2022-04-08T20:38:31+00:00

Should my child come to the initial appointment?


If your child is over 16 and is agreeable to participating in the initial appointment then they should come.  Please inform the front desk as the initial session is then divided for the parents and the teen to meet with the psychologist separately.  Young children should not be present for the initial session.

Should my child come to the initial appointment?2022-04-08T20:38:08+00:00

Will any testing be done at this first appointment?


No, after this initial session the psychologist will determine which tests would best help determine what is going on based on the issues and history discussed.  This group of tests is called a “Testing Battery” and is what the contract cost and time estimation will be based upon.

Will any testing be done at this first appointment?2022-04-08T20:37:47+00:00

Should I provide any previous reports, school data or notes from other health professionals?


Yes!  Our goal is to look at the client as a whole.  Any information you can provide to give the psychologist a full picture of what has already occured can be submitted in advance to our front desk, uploaded to the patient portal or brought with you.  It would be ideal to submit anything before [...]

Should I provide any previous reports, school data or notes from other health professionals?2022-04-08T20:37:23+00:00

What needs to be done before arriving?


Paperwork!  This will be sent to you via email and through our Patient Portal.  All paperwork must be completed in advance as this will be used to help us prepare your account for cost estimations as well as the psychologist getting acquainted with the client prior to your arrival.  We understand calling for insurance information [...]

What needs to be done before arriving?2022-04-08T20:37:05+00:00

Why would my insurance not fully reimburse for the assessment?


Your insurance company may reimburse fewer hours than billed. For example, some insurance companies only reimburse up to 12 hours of psychological testing, whereas 12-18 hours are typically billed for a full evaluation. It is your responsibility to verify coverage with your insurance company prior to consenting to services. While we do all we can [...]

Why would my insurance not fully reimburse for the assessment?2022-04-08T20:28:46+00:00

When is insurance filed? What paperwork should I expect?


Initial assessment and therapy appointments are filed with in-network insurance within 1 week of the appointment. For assessments for “in-network” insurance, the amount which is listed in your contract will be submitted once the final report is complete. This submittal will include all testing and feedback appointments, scoring, review of records, diagnosis and report writing [...]

When is insurance filed? What paperwork should I expect?2022-04-08T20:28:09+00:00
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